Welcome, we are J.O.E., a progressive, singer-songwriter band from Nuremberg. Our songs are mainly focused on current political and social topics. EARTH, our debut album is out now! Order the CD here via info@joeband.de and listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Amazon. Dive into the powerful, provocative and intimate tracks of EARTH. Also there are new music videos waiting for you. Stay tuned!

Latest Release

J.O.E. - Earth Albumcover eine nahaufnahme von vertrocknetem Watt auf der Haut. Durch die risse im trockenen Watt bricht ein neonpinkes Leuchten durch. In der oberen linken ecke des Albumcovers ist das Logo der Band J.O.E. und der Titel des Albums "Earth" in weißer, futuristischer Schrift zu sehen.


Order our new album EARTH and subscribe to our newsletter – leave your email in the form below and we will contact you